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The Great Recession


Before the Great Recession there was an economic boom that the US was experiencing, it later became known as the housing bubble. The housing bubble was created by over lending to consumers and especially to those who couldn’t pay them back and over spending from consumers who had virtually no income to buy houses...



The Great Depression and The New Deal.


​The cause of the great depression is still something of debate till this day. But most economists can agree that some of the biggest factors to the cause of the depression was a fragile banking system, debt to demand ratio, income inequality, and agricultural fault. America during the 1920’s was in an age of economic prosperity, thanks to war torn Europe, high demand for US made goods and a demand globally for those goods...



The programs that the Obama administration implemented plan to provide relief for some student loan borrowers. Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) and Direct Loans will only be offered to a limited pool of borrowers. Obama used the plan that Roosevelt had. Obama regulated the banking system and he payed americans to work with an $800 billion bill that created infrastructure jobs...

The programs implemented by the Obama administration

Compare and contrast government policies in response to the Great Depression and Great Recession.


Policies during the great depression were much more drastic than that of the great recession and geared more towards the middle class...

The great recession policies had a lot of jobs created in the private sector versus the public sector, maintaining the health of the banks and other favored institutions. The TARP bailout in 2008 bailed out failed and favored financial institutions compared to the great depression were they let capitalism take it’s course and let banks fail...

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